Our Motto:

Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.

Our Vision:

Is of a Muslim youth with an Islamic personality, strong in Imaan, Taqwa and Ummah consciousness, fully equipped to begin the quest for a role in the community and thoroughly prepared to worship Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.

Our Mission:

  1. To combine Islamic and secular education in an efficient and uplifting manner.
  2. To inculcate the practices of the Quraan and Sunnah in our children from a young age.
  3. To create a non-discriminatory school system based on fundamental Islamic and human rights.
  4. To create a culture of respect, tolerance and co-operation.
  5. To recognize the self worth, dignity and equality of all.
  6. To develop confidence, responsibility and leadership qualities based on compassion, humility and righteousness.
  7. To provide the best quality education for children who aspire to fulfil their potential in an Islamic learning environment.
  8. To provide knowledge, skills and attitudes that will exemplify dedication and excellence.