Why Boys Only?

There are many academic benefits from a ‘boys’ only environment and research has shown that girls tend to mature more quickly than boys in every way – academically, socially and physically. Many respected child psychologists regularly comment on this.
We at Suffah Learning Institute give our boys the space, opportunities and support to develop at their own pace and the boys only setting in the classroom helps teachers to teach in a way that appeals to boys and which can be directly focused on their needs – a huge plus in their academic development.
In many co-ed schools certain activities are labelled as “girlie things that boys wouldn’t do”. People who visit ‘Suffah’ and who have experience of a co-ed setting are frequently amazed at the range of things that boys here love doing and that boys simply steer clear of in many co-ed schools.
A boys-only environment helps to preserve childhood. Colleagues who have taught in co-ed schools love the fact that the boys here are not under pressure to “impress the girls” and our 12 and 13 year olds are still very happy to just play games – in fact do all the things that boys love doing.

Advantages of boys’ only schools

Freedom to Be Himself
Boys thrive in a single sex academic setting for many reasons. With no girls to impress, boys can get on with being themselves. Conformity gives way to individuality. They feel free to explore subjects like languages and the arts without fear of ridicule. Sexual stereotypes fade into the background. Macho posturing yields to sensitive dialog.

Boys and Girls Are NOT the Same
It seems pretty obvious that boys and girls are quite different people. Educating boys and girls in single sex settings is not an assault on equal rights. It is an opportunity which ultimately will enhance equality by allowing boys and girls to develop their own unique characters.

Different Learning Styles
A single sex school allows boys to explore their natural talents without fear of being a freak in front of his feminine peers. Boys also tend to be naturally competitive and we see this coming out in a single sex classroom without the fear or ‘stigma’ attached of being labelled ‘girlie’.

A boys’ school develops a boy’s uniqueness and his individuality. Teachers in a boys’ school can teach effectively in ways which reach boys and appeal to their learning style.