We at Suffah Learning Institute are committed to the promotion of Islamic, academic, spiritual, moral, physical and social development of all its learners through a broad and balanced curriculum founded relentlessly in Quraan and Sunnah. We are determined to develop our learner’s talents and capabilities and to prepare them to meet the challenges of a changing world, with a sound Islamic background.
1. Islamic Education: great emphasis is placed on both Islamic and secular education. Our Islamic component covers the entire Jamiat syllabus in a Sunnah based Islamic environment .
2. Secular Education: the GDE syllabus is implemented. Most importantly, whatever is taught is linked with the Quraan and Hadith.
Assessment policy:
Procedure to be followed with regards to learners who are absent for test/exam and compulsory School Based Assessment (SBA):
School Based Assessment (SBA)
In the event of a learner being absent for a School Based Assessment task, but a valid reason provided, he will be granted another opportunity to be assessed in the assigned task. The date and time of the exam/test will be decided upon in consultation with the learner.
In the event of a learner being absent for a controlled exam/test with a valid reason is the responsibility of the parent to inform the principal and to provide a valid reason for the absence. The parent must also indicate when the learner will return to school. The learner will be given another opportunity to write the test/exam.
Valid Reasons:
1. Illness, supported by a valid medical certificate (if absent for two days or more) or a letter from the parent.
2. Compassionate reasons, which include the death of an immediate family member.
3. Absenteeism due to weddings, holiday trips or Umrah is not regarded as a valid reason.
Learners who are absent without valid reasons will be given a zero mark for the task.
When a request is made for a learner to write a test/examination prior to the allocated time, it will be recommended that the learner be brought in to sit for the examination at the same time as the rest of the class. In exceptional cases, the final decision as to when the test will be written will be taken by the principal. No test/examination will be allowed to be written before the test date.
Learners who have missed 50% of the control test, mid-year and end of the year examinations (even for a valid reason) will not be considered for the academic awards at the end of the school year.
School Fees:
School fees are to be paid monthly, per term or a once off payment can be made. Fees are due before the 7th of each month. Our school is dependent upon the timeous payment of fees to function efficiently. Parents, please ensure that fees are paid on time.
Kindly ensure that your child has his required stationery. Progress is often hindered through lack of stationery and equipment. Please ensure all items are individually marked. Please keep all extra stationery at home. Stationery will have to be replaced regularly. Please act promptly when replacement is necessary.
Please ensure that no stationery or any other items e.g., pencil cases, school bags, lunch boxes, etc, have pictures of animate objects on them. (If there is no alternative, then please find a way to cover/erase these pictures)
We practice an open door policy. Parents are welcome to discuss any matter (problem or otherwise) with the staff or principal. .” If you wish to visit the teacher to discuss your child’s progress or any other matter, an appointment must made via the office to meet the teacher after school hours. Educators are not allowed to disrupt their teaching to interact with parents or take calls.
From time to time notices, circulars, newsletters or accounts are sent home via the learners. Please check with your child for any form of communication. Once found and read please sign on the form of communication so that we are aware that it has been read by the parent. The best form however is still by involvement. So do attend mother’s mornings, P.T.A. meetings and functions so that we can get to know one another better as well as discuss the progress of your child.
Parent Contact Sessions:
The school arranges these sessions twice a year. However if the need arises an educator may request a parent to visit the school at a time convenient and suitable for both parties.
Please note: All school functions are for ‘females only’ any father who wishes to come in is welcome to schedule an appointment with the principal.
Children are not encouraged to have birthday celebrations of any kind. Learners are not allowed to bring any cakes, sweets, etc to school to celebrate their birthdays.
Watching of television is not encouraged in any way and children are taught that it is haraam. For those learners who do have a TV; please limit the time spent watching TV and make an overall effort to eliminate viewing.
The Governing Body as per the provisions of the South African Schools Act No. 84 of 1996 (as amended) have adopted this Learners Code of Conduct after consultation with all stakeholders at the school.
Every learner at the school is bound by the Code. This Code must be displayed at the school for all learners to read.
This Learners Code of Conduct will be given to parents on admission of learners to the school.
1. Purpose of the code of conduct
Learners shall support the Principal and members of staff in establishing and maintaining good order and an environment and conditions in which the process of teaching and learning can take place. In particular, learners shall be required to obey and promptly carry out any instructions reasonably given by the Principal, any educator, or class leader to achieve the end referred to herein.
In their dealings with one another, learners shall be required to show mutual respect and tolerance. In particular, learners shall refrain from any conduct calculated to harm the physical, mental or moral welfare of any other learners, or which may have that result.
This school is a smoking free, drug free, alcohol free, weapon free, gun free, gambling free zone.
Learners are expected to behave impeccably at all times. They must display loyalty to their school, be obedient, courteous, polite and show respect to their educators, peers and all human beings.
2. Rules of the classroom
• Shoes are to be packed neatly into shoe racks/ outside class
• Classrooms must be kept tidy, therefore no eating or drinking allowed inside.
• No disruption of the classroom routine will be tolerated.
• Disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.
• Learners should remain seated. Loitering and standing around must be avoided.
• Learners should never take anyone’s things without permission.
• Learners will be held liable for any damaged, defaced or lost textbooks or any other school property.
• Learners should not stand/sit on the desks.
• Homework must always be timeously done and thorough preparation must be carried out before tests and examinations. No copying of homework is allowed
• Learners should not eat/chew gum in/out of class
• Learners should not throw things around, scream, shout, fight, and swear in or out of class.
• Learners should keep their things neat at all times.
• Learners must be punctual for all lessons. Class changing must be rapid and orderly.
• Fire crackers, lighters, cigarettes including electronic cigarettes, knives, weapons, stink bombs and any other offensive and dangerous articles are prohibited in the classroom and on the school property.
• Respect educators and other learners’ personal belongings as well as the property of the institute
• No learners should remain in the classroom unless supervised by a teacher.
• Any accidents, injuries and problems must be reported to educators on ground duty.
• Littering is prohibited.
• Learners should begin returning to their classrooms before the buzzer goes off.
• During breaks, no learners should remain in the classroom unless supervised by a teacher.
3. Code of behaviour
• Whilst a learner is under the supervision of the school, he may not harm or endanger the physical or mental well-being of a fellow learner. Learners may not be in possession of any object which, in the opinion of the school executive, could be considered dangerous or could cause injury.
• No learner may:
Deface the property of the school, any staff or any other learner;
Intimidate or in any way threaten any other learner/teacher;
Dress un-Islamically or misbehave;
Be disruptive in or out of class;
Steal; lie or cheat;
Bully or fight with other learners;
By word or action display insolence or insubordination;
**Be under the influence of alcohol, drugs or smoking;
**Be in possession of, use or in any way be responsible for bringing on the school premises any drugs, narcotic substances, weapons, any offensive and dangerous articles;
**Commit any form of vandalism at school, or to the property of the staff or that of any learner;
** Deliberately destroy/damage school property or textbooks;
Engaging in theft, damaging another person’s property, being in the possession of or consuming or dealing in any illegal substance whether implicated or aiding.
NB: Offences marked with double asterisk will result in immediate expulsion
Any learner who fails to observe the above Code of Behaviour will be dealt with by the school authorities.
4. Dress code
All learners will ensure that they are neatly dressed at all times during the school day.All learners will at all times be dressed in the school uniform. Whether in or out of school uniform, learners are expected to conduct themselves in such a manner as to bring credit to the school. When uniform is worn outside the school, it should be complete.
1. Kurta suit: All learners are to strictly wear school uniforms at all times. Kurta pants must be above the ankles. Sewn kurtas in different shades, fabrics and patterns will not be allowed.
2. Jerseys/Jackets: Only the school jersey, tracksuit and jacket will be allowed. No other jackets or jerseys of different colours will be allowed.
3. Topi: Only the brown school topi will be allowed. Topi must not be worn like a “skull cap”.
4. Shoes: Only black or brown school shoes and school socks will be allowed. No boots, takkies, patent leather, suede or any name brand shoes will be allowed. Only ‘Green Cross’ orthopaedic shoes allowed.
5. Gloves and woollen hats worn in winter have to be either beige, brown or black.
6. Learners are expected to look neat whether at school or on the playing fields. Failure to comply with the rules is punishable.
7. All parts of uniform must be clearly marked. Clothing or any other items with pictures of animate objects are not allowed.
8. Hair: The aim in prescribing a hair style is to have learners looking neat. For this reason, all boys’ hair shall not hang over his ears or over his collar and the fringe should not be closer than 15mm from the eyebrows. Hair must be tapered gradually and uniformly to one length only. Hair may not be outlandishly stepped or undercut. No steps and layers are allowed as this is against the teachings of our Prophet (S.A.W). Hair may not be bleached, dyed or highlighted. Hair gel may not be used.
The following is prohibited
The wearing of any fashion jewellery in the form of earrings, necklaces, pendants, bangles, rings, trinkets, charms, talismans or any other jewellery.
The wearing of any make-up or dyed hair and highlights.
The wearing of fashion shoes in place of the standard school footwear.
No deviation from these rules will be permitted except by the Governing Body or the written authority of the Principal given in exceptional circumstances.
Learners who wish to deviate from the dress code and/or other rules must make a submission to the principal clearly setting out their objection to the dress code and/or religious beliefs of the learner.
The principal will consider the submission based on religious practices of the learner and will, within 14 days, give a written reply to the learner and/or his/her parents.
5. Dress requirements for sporting activities and physical education
Tracksuits are only allowed on PE days. All learners are required to wear plain white T/shirts inside. Strictly no other colour or printed T-Shirts are allowed.
Footwear – black ‘Tommies’
6. Sport and extra-mural activities
Learners taking part in Sport
Learners selected to participate in any sports activity for the School, as a representative of the School, as a representative of the School or on behalf of their houses, must be dressed in the manner prescribed under sports clothes.
7. School property
“School Property’’ includes the following:-
• the land and buildings occupied by the School and any permanent or relatively permanent fixture or fitting on or in such land or buildings
• all property, including equipment, books, materials, motor vehicles, and the like, owned by the School, hired by the School, possessed by the School, stored by the School
• every learner must do all he/she can to preserve school property for use for the benefit of all present and future learners of the School
• any school property or equipment are made available for use to a learner, must be returned to the school at the appointed time in the same condition in which it was when handed to the learner, fair wear and tear excepted
• learners and their parents shall be liable to compensate the school for the loss of or damage to any such property
• no learner may wilfully or negligently deface damage, destroy or displace any school property.
• no learner may remove any School property from the School premises without prior consent of the Principal or any educator of the School
8. The property of members of staff, fellow learners, visitors to the school and others
• Learners shall not handle, damage, mark, and deface the property of any member of staff, fellow learner, visitors to the School or members of the public.
• This rule applies to property on the school premises, in the vicinity of the school, at or in the vicinity of the venue of any school activity, and any school property
• The attention of learners and their parents is drawn to the contents of the Code of Rights and Duties regarding School property
9. Schoolwork and homework
• Homework is compulsory for all learners and learners must ensure that homework is completed by the due date.
• Copying of homework is not allowed.
• Quraan sabaq must be regarded as homework.
• Absentees should make it their duty to enquire about any homework given during their absence and duly complete it.
• Failure to produce homework at school will be regarded as home work not done.
• Learners must be guided to work independently and we must thus guide them and not do their work for them.
• Learners are in the possession of Parent-Teacher Communication (P.T.C) books, where notes from the educators may be found and homework diaries wherein their homework is noted down. Parents are most welcome to also write notes to the educators in their child’s P.T.C book.
• No learner can claim to have “no homework”. Homework consists of “doing” as well as “learning” work. As in any type of training, regular studying can only improve the pupil’s ability and achievements.
• When a learner experiences a learning problem an appointment can be made with school teacher or principal. This might save you a lot of time, bother and misunderstandings.
• Parents should work hand in hand with the school and assist us by reinforcing the principles we are trying to inculcate into your child.
10. Punctuality
School hours:
Grade O & R: Monday to Thursday – 8:30 to 12:30 | Friday – 8:30 to 11:45
Grade 1, 2, 3: Monday to Thursday – 7:45 to 14:45 | Friday – 7:45 to 11:45
Grade 4 – 7: Monday to Thursday – 7:45 to 14:45 | Friday – 7:45 to 11:45
• The bell will ring and learners are expected to be at their class ready to start the day.
• Late arrivals cause undesirable disruption of the teaching process, as well as other School activities.
• The learner must furnish a note from his/her parents explaining late arrival for the commencement of School.
• Learners may not leave the school grounds without written permission from the principal or deputy principal and only if requested by the guardian or parent.
11. Absence from school
• School attendance is compulsory and no learner may be absent from school without a satisfactory reason.
• Learners absent for less than 3 days must produce a parent’s/guardian’s letter to explain their absence.
• Learners absent for more than 3 days must produce a medical certificate.
• Please book your holidays/umrah trips during the school vacations and not during the school term. No learner will be given any make tests/exams if trips are made during the term, i.e: no marks will be given.
• Any learner who absents himself/herself from school without a satisfactory reason will be deemed to be playing truant (banking), which is strictly forbidden.
• A learner who is absent from school for up to 3 (three) consecutive days (except in the case of bereavement or trauma concerning the learner’s family or in connection with an activity sanctioned by the Principal) can be explained only in terms of a note from a registered medical practioner.
12. Motor vehicles and motor cycles
• No learner may bring a motor vehicle or motor cycle onto the property occupied by the School except under the written authority of the Principal or member of staff nominated by him/her and strictly in accordance with any conditions set out in such authority.
• The driving of a motor vehicle or motor cycle by a learner in such a manner as to create a risk of harm to learners on the school property or learners or members of the public in the immediate vicinity of the School is strictly prohibited.
• The driver’s licence of the learner for the vehicle or motor bike will be checked by the Principal.
13. Environment
• Learners may not litter the School grounds or buildings.
• Learners must be proud of their school and contribute to the beautification of the gardens and school buildings.
• Learner spectators at or supporters of any school activity or event must leave the place occupied by them neat and tidy.
• Learners shall leave the toilets, hall, play ground and sports fields in a clean and neat state.
• Learners shall not block any drain or toilet pan with paper or any other material or substance and shall not leave a tap running.
• Graffiti, stickers, placards etc. on any surface of the school property is forbidden without the authority of the Principal.
14. School notices
• Every learner is in duty bound to hand over to his parents any notice to parents issued to them by the Principal or any Head of Department or class teacher.
• Likewise, every learner shall return to his homeroom or class teacher any return slip or acknowledgement of receipt, required to be completed by his/her parent.
15. Library books and equipment
Learners will maintain the textbooks and equipment of the school in good order. Failure to do so will result in the learner paying for the replacement of the library book or equipment.
16. Rights of learners
• All learners have the right to learn without disturbance or interference from others.
• Every learner has the right to privacy, dignity and respect.
• No corporal punishment may be administered.
• All learners have a right to a safe and clean learning environment.
• No learner may be subjected to physical, emotional or sexual harassment.
• Learners have the right to be heard.
17. General
a. Attendance at assembly is compulsory.
b. Learners must report for assembly promptly.
c. Silence should be maintained in the assembly area.
d. At the end of assembly learners must return to their classrooms promptly and quietly.
Speech Contests/Jalsas Etc
a. The above are considered as school activities.
b. Normal school rules concerning behaviour and uniforms apply to such functions.
c. Guest speakers and visitors must be shown the utmost courtesy and respect.
a. Learners should dress in uniform on all excursions unless otherwise informed.
b. Learners must display impeccable behaviour during excursions and act as ambassadors for their school.
c. Cameras, electronic gadgets and any dangerous and undesirable articles must not be taken on an excursion.
d. Salaah arrangements must be made and taken into account while on an excursion
e. All rules and regulations pertaining to the excursion must be strictly adhered to.
Cellular Phones
a. The use of cellular phones will not be permitted.
b. If the necessity for the use of a cell phone arises, prior arrangements must be made with the principal or secretary.
a. In addition to Quraan sabaq, learners should inculcate the habit of daily tilawah.
b. All circulars, notices, etc. issued by the school must be brought to the attention of the parents.
c. No notices, advertisements or petitions may be put up or distributed at school without the express permission of the management.
d. Smoking in and around school premises is strictly prohibited.
e. Pornographic material is strictly prohibited.
f. Learners are expected to take good care of the school building and all associated facilities.
g. No learner may bring the name of the school into disrepute in any manner whatsoever.
h. No radios, cameras, card games, manual or electronic toys may be brought to school.
i. Learners may not communicate with outsiders across school boundaries nor leave the premises without permission.
j. Learners are expected to take care of their possessions. The school will not be held liable for any loss of learners’ personal property.
k. Learners may not vandalise, deface or destroy school property.
l. Visitors are to be treated with respect and courtesy.
m. This means they are:
To be met and shown where to go.
Offered refreshments when such are available.
Treated in a friendly manner throughout their visit
n. No disruption of classroom activity will be tolerated.
o. The sale of goods and services on school grounds will not be permitted.
In order to facilitate the implementation of this Code of Conduct, the following schedule outlines behaviour that will be deemed undesirable or unacceptable.
The Principal, in consultation with the Board of Governors, reserves the right to enforce disciplinary measures at his discretion.
Undesirable Behaviour
– Insolence, rudeness and disruptive behaviour in the class and to educators, support staff and other learners.
– Homework not done, books not brought to school and copying.
– Bullying, intimidation and violent behaviour including fighting and swearing.
– Meeting with unauthorised visitors.
– Failure to comply with uniform requirements.
– Late-coming, poor attendance including truancy.
– Possession of cigarettes or electronic cigarettes
– Displaying unsportsmanlike behaviour.
Unacceptable Behaviour
– Repeated incidence of undesirable behaviour.
– Possession and use of drugs, alcohol and substance abuse.
– Failure to report for salaah.
– Pornographic material, indecent behaviour, including dancing.
– Physical, emotional, sexual, racial or verbal abuse.
N.B. Without prejudice with the generality of the foregoing rules, the laws of Shariah shall at all times prevail and any act of omission or commission which violate the Shariah will not be allowed.
All misdemeanours and warnings will be recorded.
All misdemeanours and warnings will be entered into a register.
The School’s Response To Misconduct
To inculcate the learners an awareness of responsibility for their actions, any contravention or DISOBEDIENCE OF THESE RULES AND THE Code of Conduct will result in the appropriate measures being taken. This will include, but is not restricted to the following:
a. Reprimand/Counselling.
b. Detention.
c. Suspension from extra-curricular or sporting activities.
d. Suspension from school.
e. Expulsion.
18. Discipline
The school maintains a strict disciplinary code. The goal is to teach and lead learners to self discipline. The disciplinary process must be expeditious, fair, just, corrective, consistent and educative. Where possible, the parent will be informed and involved in the correction of the learner’s behavior.
The Governing Body of the school has determined this Code of Conduct after consultation. Failure to adhere to the Code could result in a Disciplinary Hearing and resulting consequences